Perceptions of School Administrators, Teachers and Pupils on their Impact on Formation of Morals in Marist Catholic Mission Secondary Schools in Zambia, 2018-2022
Mobile Phone, Formation of morals, Pupils, Teachers, Mission School, Social Media
In Zambia, there has been political and social debate as to whether it is good for school pupils to use mobile phones in school or not. Prompted by the perceived effects of mobile phones on the formation of morals of pupils, the study assessed the impact of mobile phones on the formation of morals of pupils. The study used an embedded mixed-method design. 248 respondents were sampled in this study thus, included pupils, class teachers, deputy head teachers and head teachers. The study was carried out in two selected catholic mission secondary schools in Copperbelt and Central Provinces of Zambia. Data was collected through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. A mixed sampling procedure involving probability and non-probability sampling designs was used. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics in form of graphs, charts, tables of frequencies and percentages, while Qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis through grouping and coding themes based on the questions and objectives, and illustrated through bar graphs and pie charts. The study’s findings indicate that most of the teachers and school administrators had a negative attitude towards pupils possession of mobile phones, citing misuse of mobile phones for illegal content such as pornography, sexting, cyber-bullying, and watching or exchanging obscene materials among other illicit content. The study also revealed that the teachers identified behavioural issues among students who were attributed to the use of mobile phones which include: misconduct, isolation, bad relationships, indecent dressing, and misdemeanour. Contrary to this, the study found that learners did not agree with the negative views of their teachers, but considered mobile phones as useful educational tools. From these findings, the study recommends that the Ministry of Education to implement a policy that guides schools on the constructive use of mobile phones and that, schools should establish protocols that embrace modernisation in the background of maintaining and promoting traditional and family values among learners.