Mystical Powers in Bemba Cosmology: Exploring the Influence on Bemba Catholics, Implication on Faith and The Catholic Church’s Response in Contemporary Zambia
Mystical powers, Rituals, Manifestation, Traditional healing, Witchcraft, Magic
This study investigated the influence of Bemba Traditional Religious belief in mystical powers on Bemba Catholics, its implication for faith and the Catholic Church’s response in Mpika District of Zambia in contemporary times. Bemba Catholics have continued to cling to their belief in mystical powers despite the intensity of Catholic missionary evangelisation efforts in Mpika district. A descriptive case study design under the qualitative research method, and in-depth interviews, observation and focus group discussions to collect data were employed in this study. Data was analysed through the thematic framework. Lay Bemba Catholics, priests and community traditional leaders comprised the study population. A homogenous purposive sampling technique was used to select participants. It was established in this study that the belief in mystical powers influenced Bemba Catholics to create a worldview that everything that happened in life had its source in the supernatural or the manifestations of these powers. The belief influenced their perception of reality and behaviour; to suspect, use and practise witchcraft, divination, magic, consult with traditional witchdoctors, use traditional medicine, perform rituals and others. The local Catholic Church was involved in sensitisation, dialogue and inculturation to respond to the problem of its Bemba Catholics’ belief in the mystical powers of the Bemba cosmology. It has been recommended that the Catholic Church approaches Bemba Catholics’ embracement of religious worldviews with prudence as it extends the recognition, preservation and promotion of the good things found in the cosmology of mystical powers and engages in mutual dialogue and collaboration with Bemba Catholics embracing dual religiosity exhibited in their belief in mystical powers.