• Solomon Imbayago Morgenster Teachers College
  • Attwell Mamvuto University of Zimbabwe
  • Seke Katsamudanga University of Zimbabwe
  • Peter Kwaira University of Zimbabwe
Keywords: Art Education, Contemporary Art, Gallery Narrative, Teacher Education


This study explores the nature of visual art gallery narratives by contemporary Zimbabwean artists and their relationship with the Art and Design pre-service teacher education curricula in Zimbabwe. Data were collected from visual artists and college art lecturers using a hermeneutic ethnographic design through interviews, analysis of artworks, studio observations, and analysis of art syllabuses. Data analyses were according to emerging themes and visual texts. It emerged that there is a need for deliberate collaboration and partnership between art galleries and teacher education institutions since student utilisation of these galleries has been at an informal peripheral level and sometimes ad hoc. Pedagogical implications are proffered.

Author Biographies

Solomon Imbayago, Morgenster Teachers College
Solomon Imbayago is an Art and Design Lecturer at the Great Zimbabwe University, Department of Technical Education. Education. He holds a Master of Teacher Education Degree, a Bachelor of Education Degree and a Diploma in Education from the University of Zimbabwe. He is currently a University of Zimbabwe PhD candidate. He has participated on art-related platforms organised by the University of Zimbabwe, the National Art Gallery of Zimbabwe, Curriculum Development and Technical Services, and the Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council. His areas of interest include drawing, painting, graphic design, visual aesthetics and art criticism, as well as reflective classroom discourse.
Attwell Mamvuto, University of Zimbabwe
Attwell Mamvuto (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer (Art and Design) in the Department of Art, Design and Technology Education at the University of Zimbabwe. He is internationally published in the areas of art curriculum, pedagogy, assessment in art education and teacher education. His editorial experience includes a referee for journals and an editor of book manuscripts. He has been an external examiner to local and regional universities. He has done various consultancy work and attended workshops and conferences within and outside Zimbabwe.
Seke Katsamudanga, University of Zimbabwe
Seke Katsamudanga (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History, Heritage and Knowledge Systems (Archaeology and Heritage Section), at the University of Zimbabwe. His research interests are in the areas of GIS Applications in Archaeology, Public Archaeology, Climate and Environmental Change, Heritage Management and Community Development. His latest work include ‘Legal Protection of African Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century and Beyond: A Prognosis and Futures Perspective’, published in: Ndoro, W,. and Abungu, G. (eds), Cultural Heritage Management in Africa: The Heritage of the Colonised.
Peter Kwaira, University of Zimbabwe
Peter Kwaira (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Art Design and Technology Education, Faculty of Education at the University of Zimbabwe. His specialist areas include Geomology and Jewellery Design, Pedagogy in Design and Technology, Technology Fundamentals, Product Design and Development, Production Materials Processes, Industrial Engineering and Research Methods. His research interests are mainly in Design and Technology Education, Teacher Education, Curriculum Design, Product Design, Food Production/Processing, Education for Sustainable Development, Beekeeping and Community Development. He is currently assisting Muungwe villagers and farmers in Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe to set up a demonstration apiary (for beekeeping) and a model Early Childhood Development Play Centre within the context of Design and Technology Education.
How to Cite
Imbayago, S., Mamvuto, A., Katsamudanga, S., & Kwaira, P. (2023). SYNERGISING GALLERY NARRATIVES AND ART AND DESIGN TEACHER EDUCATION CURRICULA FOR ENHANCED VISUAL ART PRACTICE. ZANGO: Zambian Journal of Contemporary Issues, 35, 42-56. Retrieved from